Planning Committee Overview
To consider any planning applications in the parish and to provide a recommendation to the Local Planning Authority (Tunbridge Wells Borough Council).
- Edwards
- D Funnell
- Ducklin
- Ellicott
- Smith
1. The Committee will appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman at the first meeting following the Annual Statutory Meeting of the Council in May each year.
2. In the event of the Chairman`s absence the Vice Chair will lead the meeting. If the Vice Chair is absent the Committee will elect an Acting Chairman for that meeting.
3. Each meeting requires a quorum of 3 Councillors.
4. The Committee will operate in accordance with the Parish Council`s Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.
5. Draft minutes will be sent to all Councillors before the next Full Council Meeting.
6. The Chairman will make a report to Full Council at the next Parish Council Meeting succeeding an Allotment Committee Meeting should the minutes not be available.
7. The Committee will meet as and when required to comment on any planning applications received. All decisions will be conveyed to the relevant Planning Authority by the Clerk.
Non contentious planning applications where permission has not been given to extend the consultation deadline will be commented on by email and ratified at the next meeting.
8. The Committee has full delegated powers to make a Council decision regarding representations to the appropriate authorities regarding all planning applications in the Parish.
9. Clear and concise formal resolutions are required at all times to avoid ambiguity in the minutes and to ensure that the intention of the resolution is conveyed to the members for them to vote on.